Sunday, January 30, 2011

Do I really have to write a Disclaimer?? Is a woman really suing for falling in a mall water fountain while she was text messaging?

  • Content disclaimer: 
    The Content of this blog is the opinion of the Blogger and only the Blogger: This means, the content of this Blog was written in the opinion of the Blogger.  making the Blogger the responsible party for all opinions expressed in this Blog.  The Blogger is a person with her very own unique opinions and this Blog is not intended to “malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual,” or anyone or thing.  In case you're still not getting this through your head,  I will specify that this blog is not the opinion of bloggers Mother, Father, Sister, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends, Enemies, Ex-Husbands, Ex Boyfriends, Ex-In-laws, Employers, Co-workers, Local Politicians, Meteorologists, Physicians, Community Leaders, Churches of any denomination or it's members or leaders, Private or public websites, other Bloggers, Readers, Pets, Hollywood stars, Musicians, Prison inmates, or any other Stranger,  Genius or Idiot, dead or living not mentioned above.  As the reader, you have the right to not agree, care, want to know or even like the things that are expressed in this blog. You also have the right to stop reading it at any time. 

    Content Accuracy and Validity:  
    The information provided in this Blog may change in accuracy over time. For example:  If the blog says it is sunny outside and the reader chooses to rely on the accuracy of this forecast, The blogger is not responsible for the stupidity of a reader who as a result may suffer from exposure, to heat, cold, rain, snow, sleet, hurricane, tornado, flood or any other act of nature that may be going on at that time. Perfection will not be found in this blog. The Blogger hasn't taken an English class in awhile. Please excuse her for any bad grammar and punctuation. It's hard enough to help my First Grader with his homework, I don't need a complex from snoots out there who might think they are superior because they know the proper use of a semicolon. Many mistakes will be found throughout the content of the said blog. The Blogger will not be held responsible for the mistakes of the blog as she is already paying for her mistakes due to the terrible choices she's made in the men she had dated and or married and her file labeled "Guilt Trip" is already full. This Blog is not intended to be a source of Media, news or any other type of current event broadcast.  It is not the fault of the Blogger if a reader cannot tell the difference between a blog and a News Paper. Unfortunately, much of the content of the Blog is based on factual events. Names, dates and places have been changed to protect the identity of the characters who may or may not be real.  If a factual event is dull and needs to be slightly dramatized or embellished so that a reader will not grow bored, the Blogger has a right to use her creativity as she sees fit to do so.  The Blogger would not blog if she felt being dull would make happy readers. 

    Do No Harm:
    The Bloggers “intention” is to do no harm. If a reader gets the Bright idea to actually take advice or to copy or repeat anything shared in this Blog and any sort of harm, injury to life or limb, death or relationship disaster occurs, It's not the Bloggers fault that a reader actually felt compelled to attempt to follow in my footsteps as this blog is a testament that nothing I have done has really proved to be successful in the first place, especially when it comes to dating. 

    External Links: 
    At times, the Blogger may post links to other sites. The Blogger is not responsible for the result of the link. The Blogger will not intentionally post a link to the next big Virus taking over personal computers however, The Blogger is not the smartest tool in the shed when it comes to Computers and shall be excused if she screws up at some point, which is very likely to happen at some point as she tends to attract Bullshit in one form or another on a daily basis. In addition,  the Blogger is not responsible for the offensive nature of any link attached to her Blog. 
    Photographs and Graphic Images: The Blogger will not be held responsible if the Images posted on the Blog are offensive to the reader. The images may be borrowed from a random Photo Search Engine and not even taken by the Blogger. Again, the reader may exercise his/her right to not look at the photographs attached to said Blog.

    Stupid, Ignorant, Unintelligent and Rude Comments: 
    The Blogger cannot and will not be responsible for comments made by others. There are too many people in the world given mouths and thoughts despite having their heads shoved up their asses.   The Blogger will bot be held responsible, or liable, for anything anyone says on your blog in the blog comments, nor the laws which they may break in your country or theirs through their comments’ content, implication, and intent.

    Disclosure of Paid-to-Blog:  
    Obviously, this blog’s content is not, generated to make money and I am not  paid for blogging content. I don't know why this has to be written... Talk about rubbing salt into an open wound. Trust me, if some sucker came along and wanted to give me cash to sit and Bitch about my life, I would not be constantly shaking loose change out of the laundry pile to pay my bills. Furthermore, this is my Blog, life, stories and my Cleavage. Please don't copy it without permission. 

    In a Nutshell: 
    If you don't like my Blog, stop reading. If you don't have something nice to say, go to your kitchen, get a can opener and open a can of "shut the hell up".  Don't copy my Blog... Trust me, you don't want people to think you did any of this stuff anyway.  If you are here because you're one of those coffee spilling, fountain tripping whack jobs looking for a person to sue... Like my Grandma used to say, "You can't get blood out of a Turnip." I really can't think of anything else to say in my disclaimer and  writing this was at least an hour of my life that I will never get back so I am ready to be done with it.. I have some Blogging to do! 

1 comment:

  1. I don't get it. So what you are really trying to say is that If you do no harm to some sucker with cash you can squeeze a turnip into a nutshell and somehow it's not your fault or something?
